Wednesday 15 August 2012

'Entrepreneurship'- What is it?

We all have some vague concept of what an entrepreneur does. Richard Branson is a name often bandied around as a poster child for entrepreneurship. But what exactly makes someone an entrepreneur?

Howard Business School professor Howard Stevenson defined entrepreneurship almost 40 years ago as “the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled.”

Fast-forward to the present, and the core remains the same. Entrepreneurs see a niche in the market that they are capable of capitalising on, be it product or service.

The other major consideration that Professor Stevenson highlighted belies the risk that comes with many entrepreneurial ventures. Having a great idea is one thing. It takes resources to transform words and concepts into reality.

There is rarely a ‘sure thing’ when it comes to entrepreneurship. With the advent of the Internet as a great unifying transnational force, competition has become more intense than ever.

But, with great risk comes great reward. Here at the Online Entrepreneur, we’ll be delving into all these issues and more in the upcoming months!

For now, I’m going to leave you with this humorous depiction highlighting just how baffling entrepreneurs are to the rest of the world. How do you see yourself?

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