Monday 3 September 2012

What exactly is the Online Entrepreneur looking to achieve?

 If you are here, it’s likely that you want to know exactly what we seek to achieve here at the Online Entrepreneur.

Truth be told, we’re not quite sure! What we do know is that it’s a little intimidating to browse the Entrepreneur Magazine or Forbes, publications targeted at high-powered corporate businessmen.

Perhaps you’re a university student habituating the digital sphere with an eye towards being self-made. Or perhaps you’re just a naturally creative and tech-savvy individual with a great idea.

Here at the Online Entrepreneur, we know that more than ever, aspiring online entrepreneurs are propagating tech-savvy and creative solutions. Coupled with a little bit of funding, these young self-made men and women are now the envy of all. Perhaps the most illustrious example is pictured below!

In Australia however, we’ve noticed that the government and businesses have undervalued entrepreneurial ventures. Only $120 million out of the $1.8 trillion funds under management in Australia was invested by Australian venture capital firms last year.

Consequently, more and more Australians are moving overseas to seek greener pasture for their online start-up enterprises. Places like Silicon Valley are reaping the rewards of Australian dreams, with an estimated 17,000 Australians spread out across the San Francisco Bay area, and at last count, 65 start-up businesses with Australian roots.

This leads me to the crux of the Online Entrepreneur. We want to explore avenues for young Australian entrepreneurs who achieve their ambitions while staying on home soil. We’ll be investigating WHY our entrepreneurs aren’t being supported and what possible changes we can effect. By talking to Vibewire, a non-profit organisation providing support for entrepreneurs, we hope to find a solution to the entrepreneurial exodus.

We’ll be talking to several successful entrepreneurs who have made it locally. Sneaking Duck is an award winning online glasses venture co-founded by four young entrepreneurs in Sydney. Similarly, the online fashion leather retailer Viparo was founded by a few savvy entrepreneurs who jumped onto the online fashion wagon. We’ll also hopefully be talking to few entrepreneurial ventures in different fields, such as Kogan the electronics retailer and Renting Smart, an online rent system.

From this accrued wisdom and business acumen, we’ll be looking to compile a comprehensive how-to guide for our readership to help get you started, no matter what rung on the entrepreneurial ladder to success you are.

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